Weekly Schedule

Redemption Kids is meeting in person now but we are still recruiting new volunteers to help us. If you are interested in volunteering to help click HERE. NORTH and WEST Campus are open for both 9am and 10:30am kids services. Midweek services are every Wednesday at both North and West campus from 6:30-8pm for birth-5th grade.


(Birth–24 months)

In our Nursery Ministry, we teach age-based Biblical Truth and have rooms designed to support a baby’s learning needs. We believe learning Biblical Truth can, and should, begin at birth.


(2 -5 yr olds)

In our Preschool rooms teachers introduce tools for learning that preschoolers can interact with to enhance development. These aids also assist in the teaching of the weekly Biblical content where preschoolers are encouraged to explore new ideas, processes, and learning skills.


(1st – 5th Grade)

Each week, we strive to ensure that elementary students are engaged in Biblical Truth. Bible Skills games and activities aid in teaching the weekly Biblical content, while Grow Group teachers build relationships with children in order to help guide them towards Intimacy with Jesus.

Sunday Morning, 9am or 10:30am Services:

North Campus: 9am and 10:30am Children’s Programming available

West Campus: 9am and 10:30am Children’s Programming available

In January 2019 the children’s ministry started fresh with a curriculum entitled The Gospel Project for Kids. It is a three-year chronological study of Scripture. Each week’s study builds upon the previous week to help the boys and girls to discover the big picture of God’s story. This curriculum is taught from babies through 5th grade.

Babies in the nursery are prayed over while “gems” of Gospel truth from each lesson are shared aloud. In the preschool classrooms, children engage in a lesson, crafts, games, singing, and a snack. The elementary children participate in praise and worship time as a large group. At North, boys and girls sing praise songs, participate in choreographed movements, learn a key verse, watch a video about the lesson, interact with the host about the bible story, and have time for prayer. At West this large group time often includes worship music, learning a key verse, watching a bible story video or hearing it taught, and interacting with a host about the story. In addition to the large group time elementary kids at both campuses spend time in a Grow Group classroom. The Grow Group teacher and helper(s) support the Bible story, through a craft, games, and other tools, all in an effort to reinforce the lesson.

We would love for you to join us! We invite parents to request a tour or sit in on morning praise and worship by emailing Amanda Skipper at amandas@goredemption.com.

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